Monday, January 9, 2012


I picked the kids up from school today, like everyday. I asked about their homework, friends, the little things that make up their school day. To my surprise, Ellie tells me she was given a ring by a boy today. Not just a beautiful pink and silver plastic ring, but a bracelet, lip gloss, and, wait for it, a nickel! Included in the envelope was a note signed "From Jake, To Ellie, I Love Ellie." The real kicker in this is that Romeo Jr., Jake, doesn't even attend school with Ellie! He was so determined to get her this token of his affection that he sent it to Ellie with a mutual friend! I couldn't believe it!

When did first graders get so inventive?? I don't think Gary would have been that persistant at 30 years old. Ellie has also informed me Jake wants to marry her and take her to the movies. Is she old enough for this type of attention? At what age is it appropriate for a little girl to have a little "boyfriend?" Obviously she's not going to be going out on double dates anytime soon but I want Ellie to grow up and know she doesn't need a man to have self-worth. I'm probably over analyzing this but that's what I do!  

Well, here we go!!

I'm completely new to this so everyone bear with me please! I've been wanting to start a blog for awhile now and decided that the time to start is now. I'm hoping I'll be able to share more with our families and friends about what's happening in our lives. It will probably take me while to be any good at this, so I ask for patience while I learn about the blogging world.

Thanks for reading, subscribing, or whatever it is a person does on here!